We are tarpaulin's manufacturer since 50 years. We are specialists in customized tarpaulins.
*We produce tarpaulins for the logistics and for the industry : *semitrailer's tarpaulins *cartrailer's tarpaulins *covering tarpaulins for machines *tarpaulins to separate halls.
*We produce and sell complete tents. we also produce tarpaulins for already existing tents.
*We also work with particulars : *winter tarpaulins for swimmingpools *bubbled sommer tarpaulins for swimmingpools *tarpaulins to cover boats *covering tarpaulins for carriages. *protection tarpaulins for garden fournitures *tarpaulins for terrace
Lütticher Strasse, 259 A
B-4721 Neu-Moresnet Belgium
TVA BE0418.440.281

+32 (0)87 65 75 81

+32 (0)87 65 98 72